Monday, March 22, 2010

Medicare Medicade and The Overhaul of Healthcare in America Obamas ideals and whole first year in question every action in one basket

25 percent of all Americans are covered by Medicare and Medicade per GAO's statistics... I would note in many cases these are the most expensive to care for as they are those who are disabled, elderly or unable to maintain a reasonable standard of living on their own. It was much easier on the Brits initially Churchill took over the healthcare system... See More during the war as many fled to the country from the cities and their was no one to care for them.

Healthcare solutions do not come all at once its like pulling off a band-aide slowly as the system has to change to improve efficiency etc. But hey look where we are today look at how many people are out of work and between jobs initially there were only about 10 million legal citizens who were uninsured.. the Democrats bought off a number of states including at least one paid for life through the federal government which is clearly unconstitutional bringing up the state of the union address which is why our president love him or hate him called out the Supreme court for overruling an unconstitutional law.

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