Thursday, February 24, 2011

Credit bureaus Fico scores and rent payments

In a new chain of events Experian has taken up rental payments into account of your credit report if they provide the information to creditors. This is being promoted as a great move forward for immigrants and people who do not have credit cards or other credit accounts. I don't see it that way for two reasons first probably as many as will benefit will be hurt as many people pay their rent late. Secondly it will not be picked up yet if at all by the FICA score which is used by almost all lenders to access risk. A third issue is that while corporate renters are likely to provide this information to the credit bureau it is unlikely that the little guy will. So the benefit will only be with commercial renters renting from big conglomerates and reits. It is also likely that renters will have new problems finding a place to rent if they were late in the past. Another unfair issue will be anyone who has late payments as a result of delays with section eight and those who get payments on time will benefit for other people paying their rent on time. Realistically there are a number of problems with this for consumers as more and more of their information becomes public domain. Getting closer to 1984 every day.

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