Friday, February 18, 2011

If you want to pay down national debt don't focus on nickles focus on dollars

I am very surprised to hear the focus of our nation is usually so strongly opinionated about the national debt and spending. I hear about earmarks I hear about cutting spending on public television and radio I also hear about cutting aide. All of these combined amount to very little in the grand scheme of things and they all smell of politics rankly.

Earmarks may be the only spending that makes any real sense at all these projects are typically very specific and have a very specific goal. An earmark to build a museum an earmark to fix a bridge frankly earmarks make sense. Earmarks may not benefit the nation as a whole and may actually benefit only a limited number of people but they have a clear purpose they are easy to understand they create value.

The problem with our budget is simple NO ONE could possibly have any idea of what it was they just passed. The only way out of this mess that I see is that all of Congress show up to work and do the job they were sent to do. First Pass one spending initiate at a time make it clear and simple (Period). If bills were broken up into pages and the pages put together to fill the entire picture bipartisanship and dirty politics cant happen to the extent they do now. Why not find one thing after another to agree upon. One cut at a time decided on by the majority one earmark at a time decided upon by the majority. Value cannot be created by massive bills that no one can understand. Find one problem at a time and fix it with clarity and clear decisions.

Not all issues are simple but clear language which anyone can understand even if added and added to page after page limit after limit to fix as many concerns as possible will still be an improvement over ending up voting against the very legislation that you created because you no longer have any idea of what you are voting for, yes it happens all the time. This type of legislation gives the opportunity to eliminate the need for tons of committee and inward thoughts writing and rewriting of legislation's instead it moves forward. At the end of the day the oligopoly spending bill may still be needed but only after eliminating massive sections of waste; all the while creating accountability for your congresional representative.

The thing about my government that often puzzles me most of all is we have a wonderful organization called the GAO which is tasked with Government Accountability it seems however that whatever they discover falls upon deaf ears.

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